Morris Dancing Wiki

Simplified family tree, derived from information summarized more fully below. Question marks indicate speculative links.

  +--------------?-------------+--------------?------------?--------------> [cont'd below]
  |              |             |              |            |      
  White Knights  East Suffolk  Great Western  Broadwood    Greenwich (UK)
  (Bledington)   (Fieldtown)   (Fieldtown)    (Fieldtown)  (Fieldtown)
                 |                                         |      
                 |                                         |      
                 |                                         |      
                 Black Jokers                              Greenwich (US)
                 (Longborough)                             (Fieldtown)

 [cont'd] ---------?-------------?--------+-------------------?
                   |             |        |                   |
                   Albemarle     Windsor  Ramsey's Braggarts  Victory
                   (Bledington)  (Badby)  (Bledington)        (Fieldtown)

                                 |            |
                                 Marlboro MM  Cynthia Whear
                                 (Badby)      (Withington)
                                 |            |
             +-------------------+            |
             |                   |            |
             Thames Valley Int.  Marlboro MM  Muddy River
             (T.V. Fieldtown)    (O.S. Long.) (Fieldtown)
                                              Rock Creek

  ?                                        ?            ?           ?
  |                                        |            |           |
  Wake Robin                               Golden Star  Blackheath  Hurst
  (Fieldtown)                              (Fieldtown)  (?)         (Oddington)
  |                                        |            |
  +-------------------------+              |            |
  |                         |              |            |
  Pokingbrook               Harrisville    Rag          Granta
  (Fieldtown)               (Fieldtown)    (Fieldtown)  (Fieldtown)
  |                         |
  +------------+            |
  |            |            |
  Thornden     New Haven    Hearts of Oak
  (Fieldtown)  (Fieldtown)  (Fieldtown)

As of now we seem to have this chronology:

Date Teacher Affiliation* Students Affiliation Learned as Done as Source
c. 1970 invented by Martin Johnson, Hammersmith Long. RD,RW,NR,ID
c. 1970 Johnson? Hammersmith - Whiteknights Bled. Bled. ID
by 1976 Johnson Hammersmith - Great Western Long. Field. RC
c. 1976 - Great Western Roger Cartwright - Long. -- SC,RC
1970s Tubby Reynolds? - John Rowlands Greenwich (Lon.) Field.? -- SC
by 1979 ? - - Broadwood ? Field.? RD
1979 Reynolds, Roy Dommett - - Albemarle Bled. Bled. RAD,RD
Note that Dommett says he saw Albemarle do Lass in 1983; he doesn't say anything about teaching it to them in 1979
1980? Jenny Joyce Windsor - Windsor adapted from Field. Badby from Great Western's dancing
early 1980s Jackie Emerson & Carol Smith Jackstraws Morris - Jackstraws Morris Bled. Bled. from Hammersmith's dancing
early 1980s Mo Johnson - - Earls of Essex Fieldtown Bledington PD
early 1980s Paul Draper Earls of Essex - - Royal Liberty ? Ascott PD
c. 1982 Rowlands Greenwich (Lon.) - Greenwich (NYC) Field. -- SC
1982? Jenny Joyce Windsor Alistair Brown, Paul Eric Smith, Paul Handford Thames Val. Int. Badby - AN
Steve Adams, Tim Cavanaugh, Alex Naar TVI, Marlboro -
At Pinewoods; Naar thinks Rowlands was present.
after 1982 Tim Cavanaugh Marlboro M+S - Marlboro Badby Badby AN
Cynthia Whear was probably present
early-mid 1980's converted by Smith, Adams, Naar to TV Fieldtown AN
1985 converted by Cavanaugh, Will Fielding, Naar to Old Spot Longborough; danced by Marlboro Morris Men AN
by 1983 ? - - Victory ? Field. RD
1984 - East Suffolk - Black Jokers Field. Long. AM,ISW,RJ
1980s Jim Brickwedde, John Cavanaugh Hammersmith - Ramsey's Braggarts Long. Bled. JC
1980s - ? Cynthia Whear Marlboro Long. With. JM
c. 1989 Whear - Judy Erickson Muddy River With. &/or Long. Field. JM
? Roger Cartwright - - Wake Robin Field. Field. LA
? - Wake Robin Dancer X or... Team X which then taught Dancer X Field. Field. X
? Dancer X - - Pokingbrook Field. Field. X
1989? - Pokingbrook - Thornden Field. Field. CW
1989? Tanya Pyles Pokingbrook - New Haven Field. Field. BN
1990s Tony Ashley Anker Morris Men - Anker Morris Men Ascott Ascott DW
1992 Griselda Sherlaw-Johnson Golden Star - Rag Field. Field. KH
before 1992 Lynn Arnold Harrisville (former Wake Robin) - Harrisville Field. Field. LA
1992 Sarah Jane Miller Harrisville - Hearts of Oak Field. -- JB
by 1993 ? - - Hurst ? Odd. CF
by 1993 Chris Pugh Blackheath - Granta ? Field. CF
1993 Adam Moskowitz Black Jokers - Middlesex Field. Field. BW
1994 Judy Erickson taught at Chesapeake Dance Weekend Alice Taylor Rock Creek Morris Women Field. Field. AJ

* Team affiliation when the teacher learned the dance

  • Bled. = Bledington
  • Field. = Fieldtown
  • Long. = Longborough
  • Odd. = Oddington
  • With. = Withington

  • AJ = Aldona Joseph
  • AM = Adam Moskowitz
  • AN = Alex Naar
  • BN = Brian Noonan
  • BW = Brian Wilson
  • CF = Colin Fine
  • CW = Connie Walters
  • DW = David Wintle
  • ID = unknown ex-Hammersmith met by Ian Dedic
  • ISW = Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner
  • JB = Jim Blake
  • JC = John Cavanaugh
  • JM = Jeannine Mosely
  • KH = Keith Hallam
  • LA = Lynn Arnold
  • LK = Len Killick
  • NR = Nick Robertshaw
  • PD = Paul Draper
  • RAD = Bob Dupre
  • RC = Roger Cartwright
  • RD = Roy Dommett
  • RJ = Rich Jackson
  • RW = Robert Williams
  • SC = Steve Corrsin
  • X = Dancer X